The Queen’s Mindful Gambit

Last month, my husband Mark ordered a chess set. He was inspired to start playing again after we watched The Queen’s Gambit, a great Netflix series based on the life of chess prodigy Beth Harmon.

We generally are not “game people”. In fact, we’ve been known to roll our eyes when friends suggest […]

By |November 30th, 2020|MYM Blog|

Minding My Mouth

I’ve been #$%@*&! like a sailor.

I don’t know if sailors really swear more than the rest of us, but lately I’ve been swearing up a storm. Now, when I say more than usual, that means a lot. My close friends know that I’m not shy about dropping a therapeutic F-bomb on occasion. It […]

By |October 26th, 2020|MYM Blog|

My Mental Breakfast Ritual

They say that the most important meal of the day is breakfast.

It gives your body the fuel it needs to start the day right. So it seems to make sense that the most important “mental meal” is first thing in the morning. My “mental breakfast ritual” helps me mind my mind every […]

By |September 23rd, 2020|MYM Blog|

Finding resilience when we’re tapped out

I know it’s hard to talk about minding our minds when it feels like the world is falling apart around us.

The loss and heartbreak of the wildfires in Oregon (and California and Washington) are devastating our families, friends and neighbors in surrounding communities. It’s feeling impossible to process this disaster on top […]

By |September 14th, 2020|MYM Blog|

Hello, my name is Mark and I’m a pessimist

Hello, my name is Mark and I’m a pessimist.

This is how I used to ask girls out on a date when I was in high school:

“You wouldn’t want to go out on a date with me, would you?”

When they said no, as they usually did, I would reply:

“I didn’t think so.”

I’ve found […]

By |July 29th, 2020|MYM Blog|

The great escape

Sometimes, you just gotta get away.

Away from the news.

Away from social media.

Away from fireworks.

Away from tourists.

Away from politics.

Away from….everything.

That’s what we did on July 4th. We packed up the truck and headed out to BLM (Bureau of Land Management) land. It was just for one night, but it was peaceful, beautiful […]

By |July 16th, 2020|MYM Blog|