It’s time to play…

Last year, our daughter Presley was traveling and working on farms in France. Before returning to the states, she took a short visit to Portugal. When she arrived in the town of Porto, she was immediately bopped on the head by a stranger with a soft plastic “squeaky” hammer. To her surprise, […]

By |February 17th, 2020|MYM Blog|

Show some February love…

January seems to be a popular month for cleansing. Many of my friends are eating clean which means cutting out sugar, gluten, alcohol and other stuff we tend to over indulge in throughout the year. It’s a way to hit “reset” and get a fresh start. I’ve never been good at “all or nothing” (I’ve tried), but I admire those […]

By |January 31st, 2020|MYM Blog|

Maybe we are enough

Just about every one of my friends is working on changing something about themselves. I do it too. The stack of self-help books on my nightstand is comical — especially because I can’t stand to read them. I try. I really do. And some of the books are great and inspiring. I start a book and lose interest about ⅓ […]

By |January 17th, 2020|MYM Blog|

For 2020: Try evolving instead of resolving

I’ve never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. It feels like I’m endlessly striving to eat less, exercise more, spend less money…blah, blah, blah. Somehow resolutions make me feel like I’m trying to “mend my ways” which ends up being a set-up for failure. Lately I’ve been aiming for an “evolution” or a gradual shift in my happiness factor. […]

By |December 30th, 2019|MYM Blog|

It’s the most curious time of the year…

I guess it’s no surprise that I’ve been thinking a lot about the holidays — it’s hard to escape this time of year.

For some odd reason, I love this season which is curious because it was very stressful for me growing up. We celebrated Christmas even though we were Jewish (according to Jewish law). Both of my grandmothers were Jewish, […]

By |December 16th, 2019|MYM Blog|

Longer nights and colder days can be hard

Many of us struggle when the nights grow long and the air gets cold. Sometimes it feels like I just finished lunch when 4:30 pm rolls around and it’s already time to start thinking about dinner. While it’s hard to let go of summer, there are some things I’m glad to see less of like mosquitos, crowds and “traffic” (traffic […]

By |November 30th, 2019|MYM Blog|


This morning I snapped at a stranger and I’m feeling really bad about it. I generally smile and wave at people when I’m out and about. That’s who I am…or at least who I think I am. I feel like some angry person took over my brain momentarily. It was weird because I did a yoga video in a quiet […]

By |November 14th, 2019|MYM Blog|

What “village” means to me

Mark, Presley, Owen, and Linda Quon.

I am the proud mama of two kind, thoughtful, caring, funny and smart adults (says mom). Owen is 27 and Presley is 24. I didn’t raise them alone. I had a village. We lived in the suburbs of Los Angeles and I worked 40-60 hours a […]

By |October 25th, 2019|MYM Blog|

Making time for Gratitude

By Linda Quon

One of my wisest friends, Susan, once told me she tries to have her first cup of coffee without distraction. No phone, no computer, just her thoughts and a warm, steamy cup. I love this, but it’s not easy for me. Another wise friend, Lolly, leaves her phone in the kitchen to charge overnight vs. in her bedroom. […]

By |October 1st, 2019|MYM Blog|


by Linda Quon

My mom died in April of this year and I’m still processing. One of my good therapist friends who knows my story called it a “meaningful loss”. She was spot on. My relationship with my mom was…complicated. My mom was a person with Schizophrenia and bi-polar disorder. While I can’t begin to imagine what life was like for […]

By |September 3rd, 2019|MYM Blog|